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Tuesday 5 April 2011

The Spark.

I find it funny how, when given a task you can persistantly try and think of how to start it and you're constantly looking for something that will nudge you over that edge to give you a great starting point that you want to take on and explore, and when u finally give up and admit to yourself it's just not going to come it's then that-
boom -
your in your back garden and you spot a plastic pot that has obviously been there for some amount of time in the corner sticking out like a sore thumb.

 I thought of it as being an insult to the earth in a way that almost everything naturaly created is given back to the earth in some way yet this was the only man made thing in the garden and it does damage to the earth. That instantly got me thinking about how the earth's cycle and other cycles that come with it such as life and death and recycling etc.

I'm particularly intersted in the way we as humans work and with previous projects i have explored various subjects to do with human nature so exploring the questions around polution, the natural cycle of nature and our relationship with nature should be interesting.

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